12 March 2024

4 possible scenarios for the Lelylijn

2024 is an important year for the Lelylijn. At the end of this year, administrators will decide how to proceed with plans for the rail link. Therefore, a number of studies will be delivered in the coming months. The first study ready this year will be the lines of thought for the NOVEX Development Perspective Lelylijn. This outlines the environment of the Lelylijn and what the Lelylijn can do for the development of housing, labor market, nature and landscape.

The route taken as the starting point for this is the bundling of the Lelylijn with the A6/A7/A32 state highways.

Thinking directions as a basis for discussion
The four thinking directions have not been drawn up to choose from but serve as a basis for discussion oer the Lelylijn. In the coming period, these directions will be shared with the Lower House, city councils, Provincial Councils and water boards of the northern provinces for discussion.

Four mindsets
Four mindsets of thought are used to illustrate the possible effects of choices.

  • In mindset Thirty-Minute Community, local communities are central. People find everything they need within 30 minutes of travel. In this mindset, a spread of development on a modest scale is coupled with a multi-station Lelylijn.
  • In Vitaal Ecoland, climate, soil and water are at the basis. Urbanization is concentrated ‘high and dry’, in water-safe places and well connected to public transport hubs. De Lelylijn then has a regional connecting role.
  • The third mindset, Urban Network, involves greater growth of living and working in the larger cores. De Lelylijn primarily connects these larger cores.
  • In the fourth mindset International top region, (economic) development is mainly focused on the largest cities. This includes a fast De Lelylijn.

Each of the mindset has a coherent package of public transport concepts and spatial ambitions. This includes an indication of what the possible direction will do for the development of housing, the labor market, nature and landscape. But also: how do we keep small cores vital? How do we deal with water and soil? What are the opportunities for tourism and recreation? What are sustainable mobility systems and how do we balance living, working and education?

Improving broad welfare

If De Lelylijn becomes a reality, the railroad should improve the broad welfare of the Netherlands. This means that not only the effects on the economy and housing of the De Lelylijn will be considered, but also the effects on the social and cultural environment. The focus is therefore not only on more activity, better accessibility and housing construction, but also on nature, landscape, peace and space. The challenges in terms of water and soil are also taken into account. Ultimately, all these criteria must be weighed against each other.

Additional housing and jobs

Uit de denkrichtingen blijkt dat de Lelylijn extra woningen en werkgelegenheid met zich mee zal brengen. Zonder de Lelylijn worden er tot 2050 ongeveer 66.000 woningen gebouwd in de gemeenten langs het bundelingstracé en komen er ongeveer 62.000 banen bij. Afhankelijk van de denkrichting zouden er met de Lelylijn 14.000 tot 74.000 woningen extra gebouwd kunnen worden, en 3.000 tot 63.000 banen bij kunnen komen. Het overgrote deel van deze groei zou terechtkomen in de grotere kernen. Of deze extra aantallen passend en realiseerbaar zijn wordt nog nader onderzocht.

Hoe verder?

The lines of thought have now been published so that elected representatives and administrators can discuss them and debate them with each other. The project team Lelylijn will incorporate the results of these discussions and debates in the next phase: drawing up a final development perspective.

De denkrichtingen worden de komende tijd verder uitgewerkt en getoetst. Ook worden de effecten van de denkrichtingen op de brede welvaart in Nederland bepaald. Die analyse leidt, samen met het gesprek over de denkrichtingen, tot een Ontwikkelperspectief Lelylijn. Dat zal naar alle waarschijnlijkheid niet één van de denkrichtingen zijn, maar een combinatie van de verschillende denkrichtingen.

Want to know more?

Bekijk dan de volgende documenten en berichten:



Prorail Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninnkrijksrelaties Provincie Groningen Provincie Friesland Provincie Flevoland Waterschap Zuiderzeeland Waterschap Wetterskip Waterschap Noorderzijlvest Gemeente Fryske Marren Gemeente Groningen Gemeente Heerenveen Gemeente Leeuwarden Gemeente Lelystad Gemeente Noordoostpolder Gemeente Opsterland Gemeente Smallingerland Gemeente Werstersellingwerf Gemeente Urk Gemeente Sudwest Fryslan