08 February 2024

Flevoland schoolchildren debate the Lelylijn

In the preliminaries of “On the road to the House of Commons,” an NPO television program, students from 5 Flevoland schools debated numerous propositions. One of these statements was about the Lelylijn. The pupils debated whether the construction of the Lelylijn should continue.

Proponents appointed:

  • The importance of a good rail connection for the Northeast Polder, allowing young people to stay here.
  • That the Lelylijn contributes to a better distribution of jobs and facilities across the country.
  • That a train is more sustainable.

Opponents appointed:

  • That the Lelylijn costs a lot of money. This could be better used to improve existing public transportation and do something about rail delays.
  • That it remains to be seen whether businesses will move north if there is a better rail connection.

The students had prepared well for this debate and presented their views with great conviction.



Prorail Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninnkrijksrelaties Provincie Groningen Provincie Friesland Provincie Flevoland Waterschap Zuiderzeeland Waterschap Wetterskip Waterschap Noorderzijlvest Gemeente Fryske Marren Gemeente Groningen Gemeente Heerenveen Gemeente Leeuwarden Gemeente Lelystad Gemeente Noordoostpolder Gemeente Opsterland Gemeente Smallingerland Gemeente Werstersellingwerf Gemeente Urk Gemeente Sudwest Fryslan