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20 September 2023

Investigations Lelylijn launched: Agencies to work on alternatives and Development Perspective

The Lelylijn project organization has commissioned agencies to conduct a number of follow-up studies for the Lelylijn study. Studio Bereikbaar will elaborate the exploratory Charcoal Sketch into thinking directions in scenarios for the NOVEX Development Perspective. Studio Bereikbaar will examine a situation with and a situation without the Lelylijn, assuming the bundling of the Lelylijn… Lees verder

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12 July 2023

Durk Bergsma on the development perspective for the Lelylijn: “making choices for the future of the Northern Netherlands and the Randstad”

In the area where the future Lelylijn may come, several things must have a place. Think of businesses, train stations, houses, agriculture, nature and water. Choices have to be made to give all these components a place in the area in a balanced way. Durk Bergsma, program manager NOVEX for project the Lelylijn, shares his… Lees verder

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