20 September 2023
Investigations Lelylijn launched: Agencies to work on alternatives and Development Perspective
The Lelylijn project organization has commissioned agencies to conduct a number of follow-up studies for the Lelylijn study. Studio Bereikbaar will elaborate the exploratory Charcoal Sketch into thinking directions in scenarios for the NOVEX Development Perspective. Studio Bereikbaar will examine a situation with and a situation without the Lelylijn, assuming the bundling of the Lelylijn… Lees verder
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06 September 2023
Accessibility research for the Lelylijn: towards a better connected Netherlands
Based on the conviction that we can connect regions better and more sustainably, Bas Schimmel and André Buikhuizen are conducting accessibility research for the Lelylijn. In addition to working for project organization the Lelylijn, Bas Schimmel works at the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management and André Buikhuizen at the Province of Groningen. They give… Lees verder
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26 August 2023
Journal of the North: “Lelylijn closer than ever”
An interview with Stijn Lechner, project director of the Lelylijn. appeared in the Dagblad van het Noorden on Saturday, Aug. 26, 2023 . The North has been lobbying for a direct rail line to Randstad since 1969. Will it succeed this time? De Lelylijn is closer than ever. At the same time, the fast rail… Lees verder
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12 July 2023
Durk Bergsma on the development perspective for the Lelylijn: “making choices for the future of the Northern Netherlands and the Randstad”
In the area where the future Lelylijn may come, several things must have a place. Think of businesses, train stations, houses, agriculture, nature and water. Choices have to be made to give all these components a place in the area in a balanced way. Durk Bergsma, program manager NOVEX for project the Lelylijn, shares his… Lees verder
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11 July 2023
Progress Lelylijn research
In the past six months (January-June 2023) a lot has happened in the research on Lelylijn. Below we have listed the most important developments. And we look ahead to the next (half) year. Progress NOVEX investigation Lelylijn: charcoal sketchThe NOVEX investigation of the Lelylijn focuses on spatial-economic opportunities and broader welfare aspects. The core of… Lees verder
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11 July 2023
Delta Plan Congress Northern Netherlands
On Thursday, November 2, the Delta Plan Congress for the Northern Netherlands will be held. Directors, council and state members of provinces, municipalities and water boards from the Northern Netherlands are invited to attend. We face major challenges in the Northern Delta: improving accessibility and increasing broad prosperity combined with appropriate spatial development, especially for… Lees verder
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20 June 2023
“Early participation Lelylijn fits with vision of broad prosperity” – Interview with Stijn Lechner
De Lelylijn should ensure equity and a stronger economy, but not get in the way of nature. This is one of the conclusions of the online citizen consultation on the Lelylijn. That consultation took place before it is clear whether the Lelylijn will be built at all. Such an early participatory process is new for… Lees verder
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20 June 2023
De Lelylijn At the VNG Congress 2023
On June 13, 2023 at the VNG Annual Conference, project organization the Lelylijn gave an inside look at the approach and outcomes of the online consultation on the Lelylijn. Aldermen and mayors from across the country attended the session. Project director Stijn Lechner and environment manager Wilko Huyink told about the project the Lelylijn and… Lees verder
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18 May 2023
Video presentation De Lelylijn consultation
Monday, May 15, the results of the De Lelylijn consultation were presented. This is the first time residents have been involved in infrastructure plans this early, normally there is room for participation only later in the process. The online consultation did not ask residents whether they are for or against the Lelylijn, but provided space… Lees verder
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15 May 2023
Residents want fast and green Lelylijn that strengthens economy
More than 11,000 residents participated in an online citizens’ consultation on the plans for the Lelylijn. The main results are that residents think it is important that the Lelylijn provides a faster rail connection between the Northern Netherlands and the Randstad and that nature is affected as little as possible by the new rail link…. Lees verder
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12 May 2023
Project organization the Lelylijn on tour
In April 2023, project organization the Lelylijn made a bus tour of several municipalities. They discussed the possibilities, challenges and opportunities for the Lelylijn in order to get an even better picture of the area where the future Lelylijn might be located. The bus tour took place as part of the MIRT-research NOVEX to the… Lees verder
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11 May 2023
Project De Lelylijn At the VNG Annual Conference
On Tuesday, June 13, at the VNG Annual Conference, project organization the Lelylijn will give an inside look at the approach and outcomes of the online consultation on the Lelylijn. During the session, project director Stijn Lechner and environment manager Wilko Huyink, among others, will talk about the project the Lelylijn. They will do this… Lees verder
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