Broad welfare

Within this line of research, we examine the impact of De Lelylijn on broad prosperity. Broad prosperity is about the quality of life, not only now, but also in the future and other places.

De Lelylijn is more than just a new rail line. It can be a means of strengthening the Northern Netherlands region. For the study of broad prosperity, therefore, we look not only at the economic benefits, such as better connections and access to work, but also at the broader impact on the daily lives of residents. This is done both quantitatively, using figures and statistics, and qualitatively, through conversations and workshops with residents.

Workshops with residents

For the qualitative sharing, residents were invited to share their hopes and concerns about De Lelylijn during a workshop. They discussed how the new train connection might change their lives in the future, both positively and negatively. With this, we expect to get a picture of the possible long-term effects for different groups of people, such as elderly young people and commuters. In the process, various themes are being examined, such as material existence, environment and nature, living environment, social cohesion, well-being, climate and accessibility. More information can be found on the website of the Groningen Social Planning Office

Sounding board group broad welfare De Lelylijn

To ensure the quality of the research, a Sounding Board Group on Broad Prosperity has been established, with experts to provide feedback on the approach and studies on the broad welfare effects.
The sounding board group consists of:
– Aleid Brouwer (CMO STAMM)
– Wouter Marchand (Planbureau Fryslân)
– Lauri de Boer (Kennisinstituut Mobiliteit)
– Anet Weterings (Planbureau van de Leefomgeving).


By including both objective figures and personal experiences, we try to get as complete a picture as possible of de Lelylijn’s impact on broad prosperity. This is important for involved governments who ultimately have to decide whether de Lelylijn project can move to the next phase.

Want to know more?

View the report here:
Broad welfare aspects of a possible Lelylijn (July 2024)

View other lines of research here.



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