20 June 2023

“Early participation Lelylijn fits with vision of broad prosperity” – Interview with Stijn Lechner

De Lelylijn should ensure equity and a stronger economy, but not get in the way of nature. This is one of the conclusions of the online citizen consultation on the Lelylijn. That consultation took place before it is clear whether the Lelylijn will be built at all. Such an early participatory process is new for large projects like this, says Stijn Lechner, project director Lelylijn. And that is important for broad prosperity.

An interview with Stijn lechner was published in ROm July and NGinfra Magazine 2. ROm is the trade magazine on spatial development and the physical environment and free for civil servants and administrators-politicians in that policy domain.

With municipalities, an early start of participation processes is common, but for large projects it is unique, says project director Lelylijn Stijn Lechner. Normally this only happens in the exploration phase. Why do it now? ‘We live in a different time.’

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management official was previously involved in the North-South Line in Amsterdam, among other projects, and says he was initially quite critical of this early participation. ‘You are making it more difficult for yourself. Technically and administratively it’s already complicated and then adding the citizen …’

Lechner’s project team is a collaboration of the national government, municipalities, northern provinces and other local and regional authorities.

State Secretary Vivianne Heijnen said at the press meeting about the presentation of the results, “I think it is very important to know what residents want, what they expect and where their concerns lie. I will certainly take these results into account in the further development of the plans.’

‘We’re doing an open search, so that includes the opinions of citizens and other stakeholders,’ project director Lechner also said.

The complete interview can be read on romagazine.com and on stadszaken.nl.



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